Modern Sins – Timeless Virtues
One hundred years ago, in March, 1925, Frederic Lewis Donaldson, Canon of Westminster Abbey delivered an address on “Seven Social Sins.” This was something like the “Seven Deadly Sins” updated for the modern age.
On October 22, 1925, a young newspaper publisher named Mohandas K Gandhi republished this list in his newsweekly Young India, commenting, “Naturally, the friend does not want the readers to know these things merely through the intellect but to know them through the heart so as to avoid them.”
On February 1, 1995, Arun Gandhi, profiled in the Christian Science Monitor, “Gandhi grandson pursues peace.” (P.14) shared that “The last time Arun saw his grandfather, the old man slipped the boy a piece of paper with a list of what have come to be known as Gandhi’s ‘Seven Blunders of the World’ that lead to violence.”
In this season of Lent, we will review these manifestations of evil in the world, even more obvious and pronounced now than when they were first listed 100 years ago. At the same time we will lift up seven timeless virtues which resist and lead us away from these blunders into a life of meaning and peace. Join us in worship beginning March 2 as we lift up and celebrate God’s gifts and call to Temperance, Justice, Prudence, Fortitude, Faith, Hope, and Love.