Messy Church is Saturday, December 7th from 4:00-6:30 PM. Please note this is one week earlier than we usually meet. We will be exploring Jesus’ birth through activities, crafts and the retelling of the story during celebration. We will end the evening with a pizza dinner and a birthday cake for Jesus and our Messy Church’s 11th birthday. Dinner will be outside so dress in layers and bring your jacket. Please feel free to share this email with your friends if you think they might like to join us. Messy Church is for everyone! Scroll down to let us know you are coming.
Advent Study 2024
Sunday mornings starting December 1st in person @ 9:00AM in room 8. Wednesday evenings starting December 4th in person & Zoom. 7:00PM in room 8.
Join us as we look at a fresh, creative retelling of the Advent and Christmas texts from Matthew and Luke that are brought to life in the art of John August Swanson. There is no book or extra reading for this class. Just come and listen to scripture and enjoy a discussion on how the art work portrays the scriptures.
Sundays class will be led by Suzanne Morgan and Wednesday class by Brenda Weikel.
Subscribe to the eConnections for Zoom information.
VBC 2024 – Camp Firelight
Wednesday Evening Study
The Message of Jesus by Adam Hamilton
January 15- February 19 7:00pm
In person in room 7 & on Zoom
Start the new year of right with a study about Jesus and the message that he taught.
A fresh encounter with the words of Jesus.
For Zoom information, subscribe to our emails.
More than 3 billion people claim to follow Jesus. But aside from a few verses, how many actu- ally know what he taught? In fact, much of what people think Jesus taught, he never said.
In this six-week study, pastor and best-selling author Adam Hamilton explores six of the most important themes in Jesus’s teachings, why they matter, and how they speak to us today. The book will explore Jesus’s preaching on the Kingdom of God, the Sermon on the Mount, the parables, the “I am” sayings in John, and more. Jesus’s message is not only life-changing, but world-changing. Join Adam Hamilton in
studying The Message of Jesus: Words That Changed the World.
You can buy the book wherever you buy your books. This class is lead by Brenda Weikel. If you have any questions please contact Suzanne at
Mardi Gras Pancake Dinner
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