We have given up much this Lenten season. Many of us have entombed ourselves in our homes. We have done so not only for our own sakes, but for the sake of others. I would remind you that Jesus faced persecution, rejection, isolation, death, and the tomb; not for his own glory but so that the Good News he preached could be received by all. Now we come to the greatest festival of the Christian year: the celebration of his victory over death! The grave could not hold onto him! He rose that we might have new life!
Because we care for one another we continue to stay at home as long as necessary. We will find new ways to share our rejoicing! The celebration will go on! The ingenuity of people of faith is astounding. We are like that blade of grass which grows up through the crack in the sidewalk. Love finds a way. We are going to continue to be creative with our observance of Holy Week and our celebration of Easter. I invite you to join us in these ways:
Easter Sunday, April 12: We will stream a brief Sunrise Service at 6:20 AM on Facebook, the 8:30 service on YouTube , and the 10 AM service on Facebook. We would like to have an Easter Parade as part of our services. So we invite you (and your family, if applicable) to dress up in your Sunday best, take a selfie at home, and send it to the church at CUMCHB@CUMCHB.org by Wednesday, April 8. We will stream these photos as we share the joyous music of this day.
Easter Scavenger Hunt
Look for these items in the sanctuary during virtual worship. They are the props that Marty will use to tell the Easter story as well as other Easter traditions.
- Linen cloth
- Stone
- Mary and other women
- Hoe
- #3
- Easter egg
- Lily and bulb
- Lamb
- Butterfly
- Cross