July 24-28
9:00-12:30 PM
4 years – 5th grade
$15 per child
$40 for family 3 or more
Community United Methodist Church
A place to call home
Living Water Messy Church will be on August 10 at 5:00 pm on the Community UMC campus!
Join us for worship, crafts, water slides, and a meal. We will be celebrating how Jesus pours living water on us and quenches every thirst while we learn about the woman at the well.
The annual CUMC Music Camp kicks off June 24-28 9:00 – 3:00 pm daily for Grades 4-8.
Students will be treated to orff instruments, chimes, autoharp, violin, and choir. They will also be entertained with arts & crafts, movies, and swimming.
There will be a musical presentation in worship on Sunday June 30th at 9:30 am.
Cost is $50 per child, $75 for a family. Please bring a sack lunch. Water and snacks are provided.
July 23 – 27, 2018
9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
The cost is $10 per child and $25 for a family of 3 or more.
Why music camp? Did you know that several studies show that music is a valuable tool in helping students do well in math, science, and history?
At Music Camp your child/children will learn to play violin, recorder, autoharp, Orff Instruments, as well as participate in arts and crafts. The day will begin at 9:00 AM with singing and will end with swimming and/or a movie. Be sure to pack a lunch for your child/children. We will provide snacks and plenty of water throughout the day.
Our Music Camp is led by Dr. James Calhoun, Director of Music and Worship at CUMC, along with several support staff including Julie Metz, violin; Ashley Phiri, Orff; Marsha Grove, autoharp; and a host of volunteers and retired educators. Music Camp 2018 will begin June 25-29, 9-3 PM. The Music Camp children will participate in worship on July 1 at the 9:30 AM service.
I look forward to greeting you and your child/children on June 25. Get ready for a week filled with lots of learning, fun, and new friends.