Moore Hall – December 22 – 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Come spend some quiet time with God. Materials will be provided to guide you on this prayerful Christmas journey or you can just walk in silence listening to what God has to speak to your heart.
Community United Methodist Church
A place to call home
With Christmas being on a Sunday this year we thought it would be fun to have a family friendly casual worship service with brunch in Moore Hall. We will serve a breakfast casserole, fruit and muffins, very similar to the women’s Hollywreath brunch. You can bring the casserole, which is prepared a day ahead, to one of the Christmas Eve services to put in in the church refrigerator. We will bake it Christmas morning. We need some people to sign up to bring food. We will start sign ups on Sunday, December 4th in-between services on the courtyard or email Suzanne at The recipe will be provided when you sign up.
Please don’t feel that you must sign up to bring something. We are sure that those who can sign up will and there will be plenty for all. Christmas Day falls on a Sunday just once every 7 years, so it is a special treat to celebrate on Christmas morning with our church family!
Children are invited to come in their PJs and bring their favorite Christmas toy.
Please join us for in-person yoga on the CUMC Campus. You’re welcome to bring your own mat, but we also have mats, blocks, and straps available. All ages and skill levels are welcome for this restorative practice.
Childcare is available. Please email to RSVP for childcare.
By Matt Rawle
Light. Bread. Shepherd. Life. The Gospel of John uses these and other symbols to paint a picture of who Jesus is. Through the I Am statements Jesus describes himself with rich images, showing us that he is both fully human and fully divine and calling us as his followers. In Jesus Revealed: The I Am Statements in the Gospel of John, author Matt Rawle explores the “I Am” statements in John as works of art that resonate throughout the Gospel and all of Scripture. He shows how these words point beyond themselves to the deep mystery of Jesus Christ. Join Matt on this journey and experience the profound truth at the heart of the “I Am” statements: that Jesus is light and life, and he calls us to himself and offers us the hope of resurrection.
Join us for a video and discussion of this book. The book is not necessary for the class,
it enhances what is covered in the video. If you are interested in purchasing the book you can buy at Cokesbury, Amazon or wherever you purchase books.
Please subscribe to CUMC emails for the Zoom information.
We welcome you back on Easter Sunday for an Easter Egg Hunt on our playground. We will gather near the fountain on the courtyard immediately following the 9:00 AM service. The hunt will begin at 10:00 AM. Bring your Easter baskets to collect some candy filled eggs.
We will gladly accept your donations of pre-filled Easter eggs or wrapped candy. You may drop off your donation in the church office by April 10th. We also have empty reusable plastic eggs on the courtyard if you would like to pick some up to fill.