We are called to work as God’s hands, feet and voice in our community and in the world by being responsible stewards of the material, the time and the energy resources with which we have been blessed.
You can share your resources and do God’s work through your prayers, your presence, your service, your witness and your financial gifts. Gifts of prayers, presence, service and witness are offered through your participation in our regular weekly Sunday Worship services, our Saturday worship opportunities, or through our other ministries.
Your financial gifts and those of your fellow CUMC-family members and visitors help in one, or all, of the following ways: by supporting the Annual Operating Budget; by supporting the Foundation through legacy giving; or by supporting CUMC through your regular shopping.
The Annual Operating Budget
Our Annual Operating Budget is supported mainly by member and visitor financial gifts, some of which take the form of “pledges” which are annual, written commitments to regular giving. Others prefer to not make a pledge, but still give regularly, while still others give as they are able and/or through the scrip program.
Year-after-year these financial gifts, together with those of other members and visitors, whether made online or by check or cash, keep our staff, our church campus, and the larger United Methodist Church of which the CUMC family is connectional part, a vital and engaged resource in the community, and in the world, in places where we cannot go ourselves.
How are my Operating Budget gifts spent?
“Connectional Programs and Ministries” are those of our larger, “connected” United Methodist Church resources who serve, minister and otherwise do the work God calls us to do, in places where we cannot go ourselves to help directly.
The Foundation
Remembering CUMC as part of your Estate Planning can be a satisfying way to broaden your legacy as a church member or regular visitor, to reach beyond your personal day-to-day or week-to-week association with your fellow church-family members or as a part of your participation in CUMC worship, work-area or fellowship ministries. And the time for making these kinds of important decisions is now, before unforeseen circumstances in your life may leave you unable to do that for yourself.
The CUMC Foundation is a legacy-gifting vehicle which can help you find ways to fit your estate-planning goals with your charitable giving. The Foundation can accept gifts in any amounts and in many forms including, but not limited to:
- Cash
- Tribute Gifts
- A simple bequest in your will or trust
- Naming CUMC as a beneficiary of an insurance policy, IRA or other qualified retirement benefit
- Appreciated securities
- Real property
- A charitable gift annuity
- A charitable remainder trust
- A charitable life income trust
Gifts to the Foundation continue to give back, in perpetuity, because they are never spent but rather are conservatively-invested by the Foundation Board of Directors through a well-known marketplace broker. And it is the earnings on those invested gifts that are used to do God’s work, through Foundation Grants and through Foundation Scholarships.
Grants – Each year since 2008 the Foundation makes available Grants to support CUMC’s ministries and work-areas, and management of our campus physical plant. Past Grants have included renovation of the patio public restrooms, training for Stephen Ministry Leaders and our Food Closet.
Scholarships – Each year since 1998 the Foundation offers scholarships for college or vocational school education and training to CUMC-members or their family. Scholarships are awarded in June.
With the help of a trusted attorney, and depending on the nature of your legacy gift, the gift can be structured so that you retain control and use of the assets during your lifetime, and enjoy favorable tax treatment.
The larger United Methodist Church has prepared this helpful information about Estate Planning and your legacy giving.
And if you’re looking for some help documenting your important personal information, try this organizer.
The Tree of Life
The Foundation manages a Tree of Life recognition display offering an opportunity for donors to engrave leaves on artwork in the form of a stylized tree in remembrance or recognition of family, friends or groups. The tree is located in the Narthex and is easily seen when entering the sanctuary. Interested persons may engrave a leaf by downloading a copy of the Gift Information Form, filling in the requested information and providing the form with their donation to the church office.
Your Shopping
An increasingly popular yet simple way of doing some good things for our church and community are two programs which return a small rebate to CUMC when you go about your regular shopping, either online or at local businesses. With these programs you spend no more than you otherwise would to shop for the goods and services you and your family need.
- Scrip program purchases
- Earning for CUMC when you search and shop online