Voting Day Hospitality Team
Looking for some friendly faces.
As you know there is a primary election coming up on Tuesday, June 5th. We are a polling place for 2 districts and there will hundreds of people coming here to vote that day. We like to have a table out to welcome people, offer a smile and a cup of coffee or water. We have information about our church and our summer activities. If you would like to help out for an hour or two please let Suzanne know ( If we are your polling place it is a great way to meet your neighbors.
Looking for Soup Makers
One of the ways our church helps take care of each other is by making “church made” soup freezing it and brining the soup to people in need of some extra TLC after surgery and other life events. This soup is easy to make and gets wonderful reviews by those who have received it. We need to make another batch, so if you like to make soup please let Suzanne know either by phone or email ( and we can set up a date that works for most people.