Thank you to all who helped on Change the World Sunday!
We helped change our world for the better both locally and globally. Fifty-five pairs of non-skid socks will be donated to local nursing homes, nineteen blankets will go to children in difficult living situations here in Huntington Beach, seventy-five cards and thirty place mats will go to Meals on Wheels recipients, Blessing bags were made to hand out to homeless on the streets, blood was donated, and sixty-five UMCOR health kits were packaged. That was just what was done here on campus!
Off campus we planted, weeded, and helped some seniors with home maintenance. We received a wonderful thank you card from one of our seniors thanking us not only for the work that was done, but for the lift that it gave to her spirits. That is what this day is all about! Well done CUMC and we hope that you can join us next year!