We look forward to welcoming you onto the Community UMC Campus! Here are a few important locations:
Moore Hall: This is our Fellowship Hall.
Sanctuary: Sunday Worship and special worship services are all held here.
Courtyard: Following services, we gather in the Courtyard for a time of fellowship. Ministry groups often set up tables for future events in this space. Summer Concerts in the Courtyard are held here.
The Cove: Youth and other special interest groups meet here.
Library: Small groups meet here.
Narthex: Small groups meet here.
Room 19: Small and medium sized groups meet here.
Rooms 6 (Purple Room), 7/8/9: This is a secondary location for Bible Studies and other campus meetings. Community Kids meet in these rooms.
Choir Room: All music ministry rehearsals occur here.
Office: The Church Office is staffed throughout the week.
Nursery and Preschool: Community UMC operates a full time preschool throughout the week. The Nursery is open for Sunday Worship. It is also open for Yoga Church, as well as other church activities upon request.