We meet Sunday Mornings during the 9:00 am Worship Service.

Mission Statement: Community Kids is a place where ALL children belong
Virtual Sunday School
Did you know that every Wednesday an email is sent that explores one of our stories from Sunday School? There is a video that tells the story and then some questions to start a discussion for the whole family as well as some other activity with the things that you can find around your home. If you would like to receive them, please contact Marty Drake at marty@cumchb.org.

We value our smallest ones with safe and fun care while parents are in the worship service.
Sunday Morning in Person
At 9:00 AM our preschool- 5th grade will begin the morning with their families in the sanctuary. Following the Children’s Discovery Time they will go with the Community Kids teacher to the Community Kids Room where they will engage in open-ended exploration and inquiry of the Bible. We encourage children to be involved in worship from a young age and our welcomed to stay in worship with their families if this feels best for the family.
Children’s Discovery Time
We value our children with a time of inter-generational worship and learning together at the beginning of the 9:00 service.
Our Community Kids Program offers age-appropriate curriculum for preschool-5th grade children.

Many of our children continue Community UMC’s long tradition of going to camp at Lazy W Ranch.
Faith Friends
Faith Friends is a group of fun 3rd-5th graders. We meet on the 3rd Sunday from 10:15-11:30 on the Playground of CUMC. Our goal is to have fun together, connect with other kids and to take God’s love out into the world.

Children’s Choirs
Cherub Choir
The Cherub Choir is intended for children toddlers through second grade.
Joyful Noise
The Joyful Noise choir includes children 2nd through 5th grade.

Families worship together at Messy Church, held on the second Saturday of each month. Contact Marty Drake at marty@cumchb.org for more information.
For all program locations, please refer to our Campus Map.