4th Monday of the Month, 7:00pm on Zoom
Many of us care for our parents who are aging. While it is certainly a blessing to be able to care for our parents who once cared for us, it can also bring many challenges. This support group will help you navigate the many issues and
challenges that caring for your parents can bring. We will be there for moral support, for listening, and for sharing. We will have some suggestions, and it will also be a place for you to share ideas. This will be a safe place for you to share your struggles and triumphs and will be a place of learning. Our Congregational Care Ministers will be leading this once a month support group on the 4th Monday of the month.
We are using the book “How to Care for Aging Parents” by Virginia Morris. You don’t need the book for this group. However it has many wonderful ideas and resources and will go more into depth than we will in the group.
Please contact Suzanne at SuzanneATcumchb.org for the Zoom information.