Fall Adult Work team plans trip to Evergreen, Virginia
September 17 to 23
February of 2016 Hurricane Matthew wreaked havoc on a little town call Evergreen, VA. Here are a few links about the disaster that this area is still recovering from.
We are sending a team of adults to help in the building of three homes that will hopefully be ready for families to move back into before the holidays. We have seven people on the team so far, but we have room for more. If you are interested in this trip or have any questions regarding the trip, please let Suzanne know: suzanne@cumchb.org. The price per person will be around $600, which includes airfare and lodging. You don’t need to be an expert in construction. You just need to be able to learn and care about the work that you are doing.
This is our 9th adult work team! We are blessed to be able to bring hope to areas where people feel forgotten. CUMC has been so supportive of our teams and through prayers for our team and help in funding our trip you are all a part of this important ministry. If you would like to donate to the team just put adult mission trip in the memo section and let Suzanne know, We thank you for your support and prayers.